Sample Stories: Janet Damita Jo Jackson

I think it's safe to say that THE WORLD wants justice for Ms. Jackson. After the now infamous 2004 Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction, her career trajectory definitely changed. For anyone else, this would've been catastrophic. But for Janet Jackson, an ICON, that wasn't exactly the case.

I'm not exactly sure where the idea for #JanetJacksonAppreciationDay started, but it spread like wildfire. After seeing it on my Twitter timeline, I (half-jokingly) tweeted that I would make a special thread for this momentous occasion. After the response I got, I knew I had to make SOMETHING shake for the ICON on this, her appreciation day.
My mission since day one of has been not only to highlight the history of R&B/Soul music, but to bridge that which is old to what is new. What better way to do that than through highlighting an artist's history of sample usage? Take a listen to this list of 15 Janet Jackson songs and the original samples she used to create these masterpieces. I've tried to mix it up and include both my personal favorites AND her most popular songs.

As always, I hope you #TurnThisUp, share, and enjoy!
#JanetJackson #LaidBack #MissyElliott #Khia #CarlySimon #JoniMitchell #QTip #BTExpress #HerbieHancock #SlyStone #SlyTheFamilyStone #GeorgeMcCrae #WorldsFamousSupremeTeam #TheHoneyDippers #LutherVandross #Change #RB #Soul #1980s #1990s #2000s #2010s #EvelynChampagneKing #MalcolmMcLaren #DianaRoss #TheSupremes